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Request AccessView details | $ 129.00
TRANSFORM YOUR SKIN WITH LED FACE LIGHT THERAPY AND HALO SALT THERAPY! TRANSFORM YOUR SKIN WITH 3 LED FACE LIGHT THERAPY & 3 HALO SALT THERAPY! THE GLOW -6 Treatments for $129 Sit back and relax for 20 minutes in our Halo Salt therapy Cabin as microscopic salt particles penetrate the skin, Halo Salt Therapy balances the Ph, and encourages skin regeneration. By its nature, salt aids in draining the lymphatic system as it thins mucus and clears pathogens detoxifying the body. This helps clear the skin from acne and blemishes. Then lay back and relax for 25 minutes as you stimulate collagen production with LED Face Therapy. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. Treat inflammatory acne and improve the texture and tone of the skin by promoting cellular turnover. (Must be used same day and no modality substitutes)
Location | SAN DIEGO
TRANSFORM YOUR SKIN WITH 3 LED FACE LIGHT THERAPY & 3 HALO SALT THERAPY! THE GLOW -6 Treatments for $129 Sit back and relax for 20 minutes in our Halo Salt therapy Cabin as microscopic salt particles penetrate the skin, Halo Salt Therapy balances the Ph, and encourages skin regeneration. By its nature, salt aids in draining the lymphatic system as it thins mucus and clears pathogens detoxifying the body. This helps clear the skin from acne and blemishes. Then lay back and relax for 25 minutes as you stimulate collagen production with LED Face Therapy. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. Treat inflammatory acne and improve the texture and tone of the skin by promoting cellular turnover. (Must be used same day and no modality substitutes)